Wednesday, February 26, 2003

It's a long, long road.... etc

Slowly but surely the old words are moving into the new site. It's taking a long time and we're noticing some idiosyncracies with Glossword that we hadn't really been aware off before.

One obvious one is that the html formatting isn't apparant in the short version of an entry. So for example, if the original has a rhyme in it, in the short version you see one long paragraph. Whereas in the long version you see it properly formatted.

To get to the long version you have to click on the word itself - which is neither obvious nor intuitive. I'm not sure how we can get around that but we'll work on it and get back to you if changes can be made. Other than that it all seems ok.

Thanks for all the comments by the way - it's good to know the interface hasn't met with any serious objection - except for Ron who would prefer we darken the scroll bars on the 'Planarchy blog section.

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