Friday, October 31, 2003


At last the book is on sale in the UK at least and I can relax. Some of you may have caught my embarrasingly amateur interviews on Five Live, Radio Newcastle, Radio Three Counties etc et. for which I apologise :)

I think now though that the main pressure is off at last and I can start to properly populate the new site and I can only apologise profusely to everyone who has sent in words over the last few months and wondered if they disappeared into some black hole never to be seen again. I promise you I *have* stored them all away and am now getting them online - in fact I'm adding all the new words to the site first so it'll be worth visiting and getting to know.

Have lots of fun.... and thanks again for all the support!

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

We're off!!

Ok, the book is published. It's on pre order at Amazon (click here) and ready to go.

The cover looks great. The content is as bad as it can be and still be legal and is an ideal Xmas present for anyone you hate.... or love.... life is odd like that.

I look forward to seeing you at the book signings. Bring your camera and I'll even grimace a bit for you :)