Sunday, April 24, 2005

Ever felt like a parrot?

Not this isn't some gastronomical quiz, not is it an advert for some fetish group. It's just that I seem to be constantly repeating "Who's a silly boy then?"... or some similar theme.

Talking of themes... that's what I did... changed the theme on the forum/blog site to one that wasn't 100% ready for use... and sort of... killed it :)

Kyte - bless her little cotton socks - has fixed the theme. and I'm currently uploading it. My assumption is that it'll repair it self and all will be well... tell ya... this blind faith is an amazing thing!

'Corse it might well *not* work and if it doesn't I'm of a mind to scrap the whole thing yet again and take it back to a 'proper' forum... maybe using 'Simple Machine' software this time. Xoops was just a bit heavy for what was after all more of a blog than a forum.

Anyway... less chat - more action. It *might* yet work... we'll see!

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