Tuesday, November 11, 2003

Oh the joys of editing!

Well to start with it means I get to laugh again at all the stuff that arrives. On the other hand I just uploaded 600 words to the Dictionaries and feel shattered. Serves me right for doing it in bulk I suppose.

Either way, the new site is almost ready to go 'live' but first I'm going to take a stab at adding as many of the words from the 'old' site as I can before I have a breakdown. As soon as it's ready (or as soon as I collapse) we'll redirect from cyberscriber to the new interface, but with the option of returning if that's what people wish. Having said that, from now on all new words will be added to the new site only so those who don;t look at it will miss them - which is sad.

The printed version seems to be selling well which is nice. I've had nothing but good responses from feedback which is even better!

So... I'm back to work. The faster the words are transferred, the faster I can start reading the rest of the new crop of words as they arrive.

Have fun!

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