Saturday, November 29, 2003

1-2-3 Jump...

Hey hey -we're 'live'!! For those of you new to the site, and the regulars who've been redirected from the old 'cyberscriber' site - welcome. For the newbies, look around and have fun. I've not set up an FQA yet but will do so in response to the questions that come in - and there're bound to be a few!

For the old hands you'll see a few real changes. For a start the search function will make it much easier to find obscure words. In addition we've separated the the site into three sections 1. Ghastly Games - with the games and rules, 2. Dictionary of slang - 3000 terms of weirdness, 3. Seedy Songs and Rotten Rhymes - lyrics, poems etc.

As before we really need as many more as you can send us - and if you feel like just sending in some reminiscences of your schooldays, well they're welcome too.

As soon as she's able, kyte will be installing a forum option onsite where some of our joint interests can be discussed.

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