Monday, April 04, 2005

The Times they *are* a changing!

Well - this time I really *am* back. The slipped disc is sufficiently recovered for me to start working on my sites. I've already revamped my 'personal' blog and sorted out the forums on Talk Tidy which is another dictionary site dedicated to Wenglish, the English dialect spoken around the place of my birth, i.e. S.Wales, UK.

The time has come to look closely at the forum site ( which also seems to have suffered a total collapse while I've been away. My feelings on this are to pretty abandon it in its current form and to simply replace it with either a vanilla phpBB forum or reduce it still further to essentially a 'blog' site. In fact, I've been wondering whether to simply extend this occasional blog/update window to fill the other site and allow it to accept comments etc as a means of communicating between each other.

As usual I'll be guided by the comments I get to via contact/feedback mail I get via the link above.

I'll move onto the main ODPS site - i.e. here - once the other sites are in place. There is simply too much to do here for me to be able to work on the other sites concurrently and, since they are all far smaller, I may as well get them updated and functioning before settling down to rebuilding this.

On that theme, after the eventual debacle surrounding Dmitry's rebuilding and loss of the backups [grrr... ] I'm looking round for a new source of dictionary building software. If anyone has any suggestions I'll be pleased to take a look - even commercially sourced software will be acceptable!

Finally, once more this blog is seeing me apologise for the mess the site is in and the way it deteriorated so badly. It really wasn't intentional, and despite my best efforts I have just been physically unable to give the place the attention it deserves. Hopefully, this will be the last apology from me for a while, and from here on I'll just be posting *good* news :)

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