Wednesday, June 09, 2004


Just discovered that the past few missives didn't get here.... why I didn't notice when I visited the site don't ask.

Anyway... moving along from the embarrassment... I have had a few queries about when the forums will be in place. Well up until a few weeks ago they were all ready to fly, just needing some adjustment to the entry page. Then our hosting service moved all to a new server and somehow we lost the entire set up. We're in the process of trying to set Mambo up on site to see how it looks so please be patient. If it doesn't suit, we'll revert to exoops, xoops, postnuke or similar tho' the learning curve is horrendous :)

Of course my constant fear in all this is that somehow we'll overwrite some major file required to access the dictionary proper.... just the thought gives me nightmares!

Lastly we're considering opening the forums with a competition for contributors to create a new logo for the ODPS!! The prize will be small I'm afraid, probably a copy of the published version, but our appreciation will be immense. Watch this space.

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